


The Comparison of the General Situation of Hnistion between Tuoba Xianbei and Sixteen-state at the Same Time-Based on the Official Culture and Education Policy as Its Discussion Core




龔詩堯(Szu-Yia Koung)


漢化 ; 五胡 ; 十六國 ; 北魏 ; 拓拔鮮卑 ; Hniztion ; Five Ethnic Minorities ; Sixteen-state ; North Wei Bei Wei Dynasty ; Tuoba Xianbei




24期(2011 / 06 / 01)


191 - 239






Since the end of Western Jin dynasty, the northern China was occupied by various powers. Five Ethnic Minorities and Sixteen-state rose one after another till North Wei suppressed all the revolts and troubles and united the area. Because of this, the traditional understanding about the rise and fall of Han culture during this period of time is usually an extension of political ”curve”. Most of the time, people think Han culture was serious damaged during the sixteen-state when there were always wars and battles. It was not until Wei that the Han culture was recovered. This paper mainly explores the Hniztion process of Tuoba Xianbei, who established North Wei. And according to the time sequence, the author will relate and make comparison about the general Situation of Han culture of those major regimes., such as Qian Zhao, Hou Zhao, Qian Qin, Hou Qin, Qian Yan, Hou Yan, Nan Yan, etc. to show the level of Hnistion of Tuoba Xianbei is higher than all the other states in the Five Ethnic Minorities. From this the author proves the other ethnic political powers developed in the central area of China usually attached importance to Han culture to a certain degree. It is Tuoba Xianbei that had rejected Han culture for a long period of time. Even during the early and the middle period of North Wei, its progressive condition was still very limited. In fact, North Wei can be said to be the slowest race to Hniztion among Five Ethnic Minorities.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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