


Yijing (意境): Mr.Wang Meng-ou's Aesthetic of Language




廖棟樑(Tung-Liang Liao)


語言美學 ; 適性 ; 意境 ; 神遊 ; the aesthetic of language ; suitable ; Yijing(意境) ; fugue




25期(2011 / 12 / 01)


131 - 172






Examining the discussions of literature theory, generally there are short of exact, logical and systematical writings before Mr. Wang Meng-ou. By the way of ”theoretical” thoughts and the consideration of Chinese literature to consider the basic definition and the character of ”literature”, the two books ”The Theory and Practice of Chinese Literature” (”Literature Introduction”) and ”Esthetics of Literature and Art” by Mr. Wang Meng-ou are undoubtedly spectacular. The former has already esteemed as ”the classics” in the literary world of Taiwan. Although the latter discusses the west aesthetic since Kant, according to this, Mr. Wang Meng-ou has formed his own system of ”language aesthetic”. He wants to use this esthetic system to solve ”the most basic problem of literature”. He leads ”aesthetic” into the theory of literature. Under the attention of language/ aesthetic, he takes ”aesthetic” as the core question of the theory of literature. This also shows the underlines on the characteristic of ”aesthetic” on the definition of literature essence.”Aesthetic” has the standard effect of the movement of ”the essence” in this. According to the basic point, Mr. Wang Meng-ou guides the thesis of language and the spirit to the mutual relations of the main body and object in aesthetic, and also to the discussions of the process of how the aesthetic achieves. He analyzes the esthetic essence, the constitution and the characteristic of literature by using the three principles: ”the suitable theory” (conforming to the principle of purpose), ”the theory of Yijing (意境)” (the principle of illusion) and ”the theory of fugue” (the principle of einfuhlung and distance). Among the three aesthetic principles of literature and art, ”the theory of Yijing (意境)” is the key link which can connect ”the suitable theory” and ”the theory of fugue”. It not only represents the central link of the esthetic value, but also forms Mr. Wang Meng-ou's theory center of esthetic system on literature and art.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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