


A Tradition of "Lyric (cal)"-The Circulation of a Literary Concept




陳國球(Leonard K. K. Chan)


抒情 ; 中國文學傳統 ; 陳世驤 ; 高友工 ; 普實克 ; Lyric ; Chinese literary tradition ; Chen Shixiang ; Gao Yougong ; Jaroslav Prusek




25期(2011 / 12 / 01)


173 - 197




陳世驤、高友工的「抒情傳統」論說影響深遠,數十年來,出現了不少認同二人論說的著述,然而近年亦有學者提出,「抒情」本自西洋,不足為中國文學研究的基石。本文旨在探討「抒情傳統」論述發展、變遷及其文化意義。在西方文學史論中,「抒情詩」的定義以及相關意識經過反覆思考與辯證,衍生出「抒情的」、「抒情主義」或「抒情精神」等概念。現代中國文學論述中的「抒情詩」觀念來自西方,但「抒情」一語在中文早已有之,《楚辭》已有「發憤以抒情」之說,自漢以後到明清的文學作品中,「抒情」二字亦在所多見,可見此一觀念已內化於中國傳統詩學之中。中國文學傳統雖然富於「抒情精神」,但以其為中國文學傳統的主要特色,卻在西方的“lyric”觀念流轉至中國以後。在陳、高二先生的「抒情傳統」論述以後,繼續發揚此說的學者不在少數,而非華裔學者如普實克(Jaroslav Prusek)亦有相關著述可供研究者參酌。簡要而言,我們認為以「抒情」論的角度詮釋中國古典與現代文學,效用顯著。這個詮釋系統具有相當龐大的開拓潛力。


This paper discusses the conception of ”lyrical tradition” in Chinese studies, with a focus on the view taken by Chen Shixiang (or Chen Shih-hsiang), Gao Yougong (or Kao Yu-kung) and many others that Chinese literary tradition is highly ”lyrical”. The main body of the paper falls into three areas. First, a brief overview of the changes and historical development in the theoretical discussions of the concept of ”lyric” in the West, from ancient to modern time is given. From ”lyric”, related ideas like ”lyrical”, ”lyricism”, ”lyricality” have been evolved. ”Lyric” as a concept has acquired wider cultural implications in recent times, as can be seen in that use of the term is now not limited to literary discourse. The development of the poetics of the ”lyric” in the West is essential for our understanding of Chen and Gao's conception of Chinese lyricism, as the two scholars have formulated their views under prominent influence from the West. Second, while it is widely believed that ”lyric” is a term originated in the West, and no corresponding term exists in traditional Chinese literary discourse, this paper points out that though with different meanings and connotations, ”lyric (cal)” (shu qing) as a term has a historic origin in ancient Chinese, if we take a look from an etymological perspective. This is evidenced by numerous examples drawn from the literary texts of various periods in China. The en suing part gives a synopsis of the development in the discussion of ”lyricism” in modern Chinese literary studies, by introducing some major works that examine the topic. It includes not only expositions by Chinese scholars but also those by Western Sinologists. This paper concludes that an exploration of the conception of ”lyricism” would be beneficial to our comprehension of both classical and modern Chinese literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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