


Realism as a Literarily Critical Approach-On the "Comprehensive Table of Contents of the Complete Library of the Four Treasuries" Literary Thought Manifested in the Category of Chu Elegies




許嘉瑋(Chia-Wei Hsu)


四庫總目提要 ; 楚辭 ; 崇實 ; 考據訓詁 ; 本意寄託 ; synopsis of the comprehensive table of contents of the Complete Library of the Four Treasuries ; Chu Elegies ; Realism ; textual semantics ; reality-based interpretations




27期(2012 / 12 / 01)


225 - 252






This paper aimed to probe into the literay works in the category of Chu Elegies, which have been relatively underrepresented in the literature of the ”Comprehensive Table of Contents Study” to date. In the present paper, Chu elegies were analyzed in terms of Realism, a weighty ideological trend in the compilation of the ”Complete Library of the Four Treasuries”. Climate as Realism was at the time, it was practiced in different domains and fields and could be drawn on as a methodological approach. From 'Zong Xu' and 'Chu Ci Lei Xu' in the Ji Branch of literature, it was found that the idea of realism prevailed in such works. Based on the examination of the semantics of the texts and their corresponding historical background, this approach proffered an insight into the human nature and society at the time. It is clear that besides its artistic requirements, literature has such pragmatic functions as enlightenment and bookmen's means of achieving fame. Based on the investigation of the two texts, the present study re-examined the synopsis of Chu Elegies and discussed the embodiment of Realism as well as the lexicon that those textual annotators used for textual criticism. It was found that textual semantics and reality-based interpretations were two main domains focused on, with the former on the linguistic elements of the texts and the latter on the reality of the authors' and annotators' personal experiences and dispositions. In short, those annotators' efforts could be seen in the harmony of literary aesthetics and textual semantics, which contributed to the internal and external balance of the texts under the premise of the applicability of the annotation by Ching Dynasty. Given the comments on the textual synopsis, when the textual criticism conflicted with the original semantics of the texts, the latter was favored over the former. This approach closely related the texts to their authors (and the annotation to their annotators), which manifested fidelity and affections and helped to lead to the unity of Ching Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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