


An Examination of the Netspeak Pronunciation Memes and Transmission-Using the Works of Jhai Nyu Siao Hong




高婉瑜(Wan-Yu Kao)


語音模因 ; 網路語言 ; 文學書寫 ; 臺灣國語 ; 宅女小紅 ; language memes ; netspeak ; literary writing ; Taiwan Mandarin ; Jhai Nyu Siao Hong




30期(2014 / 06 / 01)


277 - 315




網路語言興起於網路的交際空間,擁有龐大使用群族,因為交際空間有別於日常口語或書寫系統,網路語言的編碼、解碼自成特色。網路語言的文學書寫特色反映在語音、詞彙、語法、語用諸層面,本文觀察的是語音現象,包含語音類型的分析、語音如何複製與傳播,成為成功的語言模因。筆者以新銳作家宅女小紅的作品為材料,她崛起於網路空間,是一個部落客,後來變成報紙專欄作家,已出版三本文集。她的文章反映網路語言多元的語音現象,而且有些現象是臺灣國語的縮影。小紅作品的語音模因分為兩個類型:1. 臺灣國語,2. 其他變異。兩種語音模因運用得宜,帶有新鮮感,順利引起讀者注意、瞭解與接受,進而記憶,透過媒介不斷表達與傳遞,循環不已,形成強勢模因。強勢模因的散播不但行銷了作品,獲得廣大讀者的支持,就模因本身而言,也再度增強它的競爭能力。


Netspeak is Internet slang used in cyberspace, widely used by various cybernations. Because netspeak is very different from everyday spoken and written language, it has developed some specialized coding and decoding features. The distinguishing features of netspeak are expressed in multiple layers of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and pragmatics. This paper will examine the aspect of pronunciation, including the types of pronunciation, how it is replicated and propagated, and how it successfully becomes language memes.This paper will use the works of the popular writer Jhai Nyu Siao Hong as research material. She is an Internet blogger who later became a newspaper columnist and has already published three anthologies. Her articles reflect diverse forms of netspeak, and some of these phenomena are the epitome of Taiwan Mandarin. The pronunciation memes found in Jhai Nyu Siao Hong's works can be divided into two categories: 1. Taiwan Mandarin and 2. other variations. Her use of language memes is fitting and carries with it a fresh feeling, successfully arousing her readers' interest, understanding, and acceptance, further leading to remembering. The continuing cycle of widespread media dissemination has led to the formation of contagious memes. Contagious memes have not only sold literary works but also garnered the loyal support of many readers, and the memes themselves have once again had their competitiveness enhanced.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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