


One Drop Becomes a River: Siku Zongmu and Siku Quanshu Primary Imperial Presentation Catalog




曾守正(Shou-Cheng Tseng)


四庫學 ; 《四庫全書初次進呈存目》 ; 《四庫全書總目》 ; Siku Studies ; Siku Quanshu Primary Imperial Presentation Catalog ; Siku Zongmu




31期(2014 / 12 / 01)


171 - 200






Ever since Qing Dynasty officials compiled the Siku Quanshu, the Siku Quanshu has become a focal point of discussion among intellectuals. In recent years, related collections such as theWenyan ge Siku Quanshu, theWenjing ge Siku Quanshu, the Siku Abstract Compilation Division Manuscript, the Siku Quanshu Primary Presentation Catalog, the Siku Zongmu, etc., have been one after the other reissued and reprinted, and so in modern academics, Siku Quanshu studies have already passed the period of being an undercurrent study, and have gradually come together as an important trend in research. While the Siku Library was compiling all of the resources, the Siku Zongmu was one of the most important achievements, and this book has had a really profound effect on the studies of the history of libraries, the studies of cataloging history, and the studies of cultural history. In regards to academic history, the Siku Zongmu book has been described by scholars as "since the Bie Lu, we started to have this book," it was also seen as "the book that makes the people a fool," which is quite controversial. The process of publishing this book was very difficult, and it took them 20 years from the time they started and opened the Siku Library to the time they finished the Siku Zongmu. By comparing the Zongmu with other Abstracts, we can observe and study the process of condensation in the Zongmu, and it will also reveal the meaning of the officials' conclusion. This article will compare the two Qing Dynasty works, the Siku Quanshu Primary Imperial Presentation Catalog and the Siku Zongmu, and has discovered the same four following occurences appear in both books, they are Weixi's weakened position, Wangshi zhen's deepening effects, the power of criticizing Ming Dynasty literature is getting stronger, and the gradual increase of recognition towards Southern Dynasty literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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