


The Physical and Psychological Self-Therapy from the Experience of Lu Zhaolin's Illness




何騏竹(Chi-Chu Ho)


盧照鄰 ; 惡疾 ; 自我治療 ; 疾病書寫 ; Lu Zhaolin ; Ugly-Disease ; Self-Therapy ; The Writing of Illness




31期(2014 / 12 / 01)


91 - 137






The illness brings the change to the attitude of life. The poet from the early T'ang Dynasty, Lu Zhaolin (盧照鄰), who was a studied object of typical case. The illness was the boundary that separated his dream and realistic life. He was filled with ambition to become a remarkable intellectual and a great politician when he was in a good healthy condition. During his illness, he had many treatments from many doctors in Chang-An (長安) and Luo-Yang (洛陽). After he arrived Tai-Bai mountain (太白山)and Dong-Long-Men mountain (東龍門山), his condition became worse than before. Finally, he moved to Ju-Ci mountain (具茨山)and always got entangled in his serious disease. At the end, he committed suicide himself by throwing himself into the river. However, Lu Zhaolin did not-immediately-make the final decision to suicide. He had suffered from the Ugly-Disease (惡疾)for many years. He developed a deeper understanding about the meaning of life and true himself, in order to heal himself mentally in the illness process. At the same time, Lu Zhaolin learned the thoughts and concept of both Buddhism and Taoism in T'ang Dynasty, which was prevailed over the time. He soaked and fostered himself in the concept of the beliefs and religion, including the achievement of Confucianism, Detached (Chu Shi, 出世) and Inaction (Wu Wei, 無為) of Taoist Philosophy, make pills of immortality of Taoist religion, Nirvana of Buddhism. There for, the article was taken Lu Zhaolin's poem as the research object. We will define three stages: before illness, primary-illness and serious-illness. The therapy and the life-attitude were transformed by the beliefs of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, which were examined in the article. Once he reached a spiritual condition that the mind and the body were separated, on the other hand, the painful attack would bring him back to the realistic life. At the end, he could not complete the self-therapy. However, the unique therapy process was expressed by truly facing the chronic illness and struggling that is between the confusion and the frustration.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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