


A Study of the Holistic Education of the YMCA of China- With an emphasis on the Association Progress from 1917 to 1920




李宜涯(Leah-Yiya Lee)


基督教 ; 中華基督教青年會 ; 《青年進步》 ; 全人教育 ; Christianity ; YMCA of China ; Association Progress ; Holistic Education




32期(2015 / 06 / 01)


253 - 282






The YoungMen's Christian Association (YMCA) was one of the most distinguished church organizations in early Republican China. The difference between YMCA and other Christian societies is that YMCA offers a set of theories and programs of "spiritual, mental, physical, and social improvements" to benefit the country, the society, and the individuals. Because of that, it became the most popular society and enjoyed the fastest growth in numbers in early Republican China. In today's perspective, the theories and programs of YMCA were coincident with the ideal of "holistic education" to build up a modern youth with character, learning, good health, and citizenship. This essay is to investigate how the YMCA perceived the Chinese youth from 1917 to 1920, how it built up a theory to benefit China and the Chinese, the contents and distinctiveness of its theories and programs through an examination of its official organ- Association Progress. It also makes comparisons to illustrate if the YMCA's ideals were the first sign of modern holistic education in China.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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