


The Language Style of Jhai Nyu Siao Hong's Works




高婉瑜(Kao, Wan-Yu)


前景化 ; 偏離 ; 語言風格 ; 宅女小紅 ; 文體學 ; foregrounding ; deviation ; language style ; Jhai Nyu Siao Hong ; stylistics




35期(2016 / 12 / 01)


37 - 71






Stylistics, which emerged fromthe schools of Formalism and New Criticism, studies the role in literature played by language, exploring the aesthetics of literature by means of language. The concept of "foregrounding" proposed by Formalists considers that researchers of literary language should lay particular emphasis on language deviation. Leech and Short expanded the technique of foregrounding into two types: qualitative deviation and quantitative deviation. Halliday followed with the belief that the prominence caused by deviation must be "motivated prominence" in order to achieve foregrounding. This paper will employ the theories of stylistics to explore the works of Siao Hong. Over the last few years, the works of Jhai Nyu Siao Hong have garnered the interest of both Internet readers and the media, resulting in the writer becoming quite popular. What sparks the readers' curiosity is the question of what it is that makes her language so fascinating. Although the subject matter of each article differs, it is still possible to perceive two intentions of the writing which runs throughout the works, namely personalized spoken language and self-revelation. Siao Hong is adept at using diverse methods, such as code switching, many kinds of body language, novel combinations, and long and complicated grammatical constructions, to create various kinds of deviation and prominent writing intention, achieving the result of foregrounding and forming her own language style. In particular, there is a marked difference in her preference for lengthy sentences in comparison to the simplicity of the language in Internet literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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