


The Classic Awareness in Modern Poetry of Lo Fu, Yu Guangzhong and Zheng Chouyu (1972-1983)




楊宗翰(Yang, Tsung-han)


古典意識 ; 臺灣現代詩 ; 余光中 ; 洛夫 ; 鄭愁予 ; The classic awareness ; Modern Poetry in Taiwan ; Lo Fu ; Yu Guangzhong ; Zheng Chouyu




36期(2017 / 06 / 01)


199 - 225




面對七○年代臺灣內外局勢鉅變及戰後世代詩人們的批判反思,前行代詩人顯然並非無感不覺。洛夫(1928-)、余光中(1928-)與鄭愁予(1933-)三位詩人堪稱代表,經過了前一階段之現代主義洗禮,他們不可能滿足於素樸的「以詩反映現實」,亦不願陷入過度晦澀、超現實及自動書寫之誘惑。故三人改以創作來反思五○年代「橫的移植」以降之侷限,但書寫所求既非仿古、更非復古,而是想從中國古典文學之典故、意象、體裁、題目、技巧、節奏、聲韻、詞彙乃至抒情方式中汲取資源,再鑄新詩—此即三人現代詩中之「古典意識」(classical awareness):下筆時自覺地或引古籍、或援古詩、或話古人;思維與情感卻是十足「現代」,可謂替彼時的詩創作開闢了新境新途。融傳統於現代,化西方入東方,洛、余、鄭三位現代詩人將古典意識經由書寫實踐,雄辯地回應了臺灣戰後世代詩人與新興詩社/詩刊的挑戰。這三位已卓然成家的前行代詩人,必須在七○年代找到跟臺灣戰後世代詩人們對話的接點。回眸傳統、鎔鑄古詩、再創新境,讓現代詩顯得更為「東方」與「中國」,遂成為當時他們共同的選擇。


In the face of the dramatic changes in the political situation inside and outside Taiwan in the 1970s boosted critical reflections of the poets in the post war. The former generation poets were obviously not without emotions. Lo Fu (1928-), Yu Guangzhong (1928-) and Zheng Chouyu (1933-) are representatives of the pre-stage of modernism impact. They were not satisfied with simply "to reflect the reality of poetry", and didn’t want to fall into the obscure, surreal and the temptation of automatic writing. Therefore, the three people to copy and reflect on the 50’s "horizontal transplant" is to reduce the limitations. The writing is not antique but rather more non-retro. From the Chinese classical literature of allusions, images, genre, title, skills, Rhythm, rhyme, vocabulary and even lyrical ways help draw resources, and then casting a new poem-that is, three modern poetry in the "classical awareness" write consciously or lead the ancient books ancient poetry, or the ancients. Thinking and emotion were full of "modern", and can be described as the creation of poetry at the time. This opened up a new way to the modern world, the western into the east, the Luo, Yu, Zheng three modern poets wrote classical consciousness through the writing practice of eloquently responded to the Taiwan post war generation poet and emerging poetry / poetry challenges. The three former poets who had become generous must find context through the 1970s with Taiwanese post-war poets. Reflecting back at tradition and ancient poetry help created new content, so that modern poetry is more "Oriental" and "Chinese", thus becoming these poets common choice.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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