


An Evaluative Framework for Allegoresis: With Speical Regard to the Interpretatoin of the Five Sages in "the Journey to the West"




李貴生(Lee, Kwai-Sang)


寓意 ; 評量架構 ; 《西遊記》 ; 五聖 ; 解讀 ; Allegoresis ; Evaluative Framework ; "The Journey to the West" ; Five Sages ; Interpretations




37期(2017 / 12 / 01)


63 - 100






The approach of allegorical interpretation was widely used by Chinese traditional scholars in novel studies. However, since the rise of modern Chinese scholarship in the beginning of the 20th century, the long prevailing allegoresis approach was unprecedentedly faced with challenges and queries. Hu Shi strongly criticized the research approach of 'covering "the Journey to the West" with a robe of Confucian, Buddhist or Taoist', and advocated to confine the studies of this masterpiece exclusively to the field of textual researches, such as evidential studies on the authors or textual sources of stories, etc. In comparison with the positivistic research of authorship and bibliology, allegorical interpretations are inarguably full of controversy and difficult to judge which of them is a better one. They are thus soon driven out of the mainstream of academic realm. That being said, it is worthy to note that allegoresis has never been suspended entirely, as this approach is tacitly adopted by some modern scholars who consider allegorical interpretations important evidence in the studies of the main theme of the novel. We do not believe any kind of monism claiming that there is only one single correct interpretation of literary work, nor any kind of hermeneutical anarchism suggesting that all interpretations are equally true. In view of the pluralistic interpretations about the novel, we attempt to articulate some criteria of evaluation which can reasonably assess the appropriateness of different explanations. To sharpen the focus of discussion, this article will first give an overview of some major allegoresis studies in the past, with a concentration in the five sages and their relationship with the main theme of "the Journey to the West". A theoretical framework will also be introduced for evaluating the validity of different interpretations afterwards. Though a relatively comprehensive and reasonable interpretation will be provided at the end, the ultimate goal of the author is solely to construct a common platform for academic dialogue, in the hope of enhancing the accountability of allegoresis.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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