


On the Nature and Dating of the Rhymed Annotations in "Chuci Zhangju"




陳鴻圖(Chen, Hung-To)


《楚辭章句》 ; 王逸 ; 《楚辭》 ; 韻文注 ; 散文注 ; "Chuci Zhangju" ; Wang Yi ; "Chuci" ; Prose-Style Annotations ; Rhymed Annotations




39期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 31




王逸《楚辭章句》中夾雜韻文和散文體注釋,是漢人經注非常罕見的方法。小南一郎(Kominami Ichirō)最早指出韻文注是王逸承襲前人舊說的孑遺,然白馬(Michael Schimmelpfennig)則否定韻文注出自王逸本人,認為那是王逸之後其他人的注釋。隨著近年研究的深入,韻文注開始受到更多的關注,對於韻文注的性質和時代仍存有不少爭議。本文全面分析韻文注的類型,揭示韻文注的注釋規律,只是釋義上受到句式的限制,不及散文注般易於義理的發揮。其後從韻文注與散體注的關係探討韻文注的時代,指出散文注中一些類似韻文注的句式並不來自韻文注。最後由韻文注與散文注同條的情況出發,指出散文注對韻文注補充,進一步證明韻文注的時代早於散文注的看法。


The Commentary on the "Chuci" ["Chuci Zhangju"] compiled by Wang Yi consists of rhymed and prose-style annotations. This mixture of rhymed and prose-style annotations is rarely found in the commentarial works composed during the Han dynasty. Kominami Ichiro argues that these rhymed annotations are excerpts Wang Yi extracted from commentaries prior to himself. On the other hand, while Michael Schimmelpfennig agrees that Wang Yi is not the author of these rhymed annotations, he contends that these commentaries are added by later scholars. Although more scholarly works are dedicated to the study of these rhymed annotations, questions relating to the nature and dating of these commentaries are still subject to discord. This paper seeks to provide a thorough categorization of these rhymed commentaries, and demonstrate the pattern of these commentaries. Since the rhymed annotations are often restricted by its sentence structure, they are hardly the ideal form to explicate the meaning of a poetic line. This essay shall then proceed to unravel the relationship between rhymed and prose-style annotations, and investigate the dating of this commentarial work. The prose-style annotations contain lines that appear to rhyme, yet this essay will explain how these particular lines do not share the same origin as other rhymed annotations. Finally, this essay will dwell into the commentaries where rhymed and prose-style annotations appear in the same line. From the thorough investigation of these commentaries, this paper shall explicate how the prose-style annotations often function as a supplement to their rhymed counterparts, and this shall further testify to the assertion that the rhymed annotations are composed before the prose-style ones.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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