


The Description of Incense-burning in "Hua Jian Ji"




陳慷玲(Chen, Kang-Ling)


後蜀 ; 《花間集》 ; 熏香 ; 南朝宮體詩 ; 婉約 ; Later Shu ; "Hua Jian Ji" ; Incense-Burning ; Palace Style Poetry (Gongti Shi) of Southern Dynasties ; Delicate Restraint Style




39期(2018 / 12 / 01)


33 - 68






"Hua Jian Ji", the Anthology of Poems Written among the Flowers, was compiled by Chao Chung-Tzuo of Later Shu including five hundred lyrics for banquets by eighteen ci writers. This is the first lyric anthology of literati ci and therefore its influence on later development of ci is crucial. Originally, "Hua Jian Ji" was meant for singing in the banquets and its subjects were mostly about romantic love. Yet, the compiler deliberately chose lyrics written in the delicate restraint style for this anthology to differentiate it from the palace style of Southern Dynasties poetry, which was undisguised and palpable. This delicate restraint style is closely related to the large amount of description of incense-burning. This article intends to explore the formation of these descriptions and its implicit formal meanings. There are three parts introduced as follows: first, through the selected ci from "Hua Jian Ji", how and what is described about incense-burning is outlined. Second, the relation between the erotic love and the description of incense-burning is discussed. The smell of scent has a strong impact on the physical and psychological states of human. Through the description of incense-burning, ci writers were able to implicitly present the erotic love. Third, from the historical aspect of literature development, the meanings of incense-burning are inferred. Ouyang Jiong mentioned in his "Preface to Hwa Jian Ji" that this collection was different from the Palace Style poetry, gongti shi. In this article, I will focus on the presentation of incense-burning to discuss the difference between the two. To sum up, the description of incense-burning in "Hua Jian Ji" is not just the life style of the upper class, but also a crucial factor for the formation of the delicate restraint style of ci.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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