


A Discussion on the Commentaries and Selected Zezi Plays of The Story of Udumbara




侯淑娟(Hou, Shu-Chuan)


屠隆 ; 《曇花記》 ; 折子戲 ; 《萬壑清音》 ; 戲曲選集 ; Tu Long ; The Story of Udumbara ; Zezi Play ; Wanhuo Qingyin ; Anthology of Xiqu




42期(2020 / 06 / 01)


83 - 117






The Story of Udumbara (Tanhua ji, THJ hereafter), authored by Tu Long (1543-1605) in the Ming Dynasty, is a story about how the King of Dingxing of the Tang practiced Buddhism. Zang Maoxun's (1550-1620) edition on the commentaries of THJ is the most special one among all editions of THJ. Based on the views of kunqu in Wuzhong area and the characteristics of chuanqi, Zang decreased the Buddhist-style lecture and thus reorganized THJ into 31 plays from 55 plays in terms of the following standards of "danhang," appropriate wording (qingci wencheng), tight plots (guanmu jinchou), and harmonious rhymes (yinyun xiexie). Moreover, he provided explanatory commentaries on every single change he made. By doing so, he clearly commentated and interlaced the main and the secondary threads of the story so that the integrated connection among all drama characters were highlighted, which would fit in with the rules of kunqu in Wuzhong area. In addition to exploring the differences between Zang's commentaries and the original text, this article reviews 11 anthologies of selected xiqu and the selected THJ from qupu. Furthermore, the anthologies of selected xiqu and qupu are analyzed following the methodology of how zezi plays was circulated so that the acceptance and revisions of Tu's THJ and Zang's commentated edition both are discussed as well. Based on Wanhuo qingyin which features xiaoben xi and includes most of plays from THJ, this article analyzes the characteristics of the selected xiqu, investigates the taoshu of zezi plays from the traditional Chinese northern drama, and observes the changes from the original text, commentated editions, to being included in the anthologies of xiqu. THJ in Wanhuo qingyin highlights the plays by non-tale hangdang, including wai, mo, and jing; even the unassigned roles, such as coujiao, are appointed to sing zezi plays as it is shown in Muhou's Patrol at Night (Muhou ye xun). Starting from the perspective of hangdang, particularly the choujiao, this article examines the changes from the original text of THJ, the commentated editions, to the arrangement in Wanhuo qingyin and later discusses the meanings of raising the status of non-tale roles in selected plays to independent zezi plays and of refining the stage performance.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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