


The Production, Dissemination and Reading in Xunxue's Knowledge: Taking Chinese Modern Periodicals as the Core




周志煌(Chou, Chih-Huang)


晚清民初荀學 ; 近現代期刊 ; 知識生產傳播 ; 閱讀詮釋 ; 廣告 ; 書評 ; Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China Xunxue ; Modern Periodicals ; Knowledge Production and Dissemination ; Reading Interpretation ; Advertising ; Book Reviews




43期(2020 / 12 / 01)


163 - 198






In the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, in response to the needs of the times and political, social, and cultural reforms, important concepts and related knowledge in Xunxue were often promoted through newspapers and periodicals, which triggered repercussions and discussions. Compared with the systematic and contextualized "History of Chinese Philosophy" or "Xunxue Studies"...and other specialized works, the elaboration and promotion of many Xunxue concepts scattered in the newspapers and magazines, and even the "experienced use of topics" in response to the times, is it not near A link in the history of modern Xunzi? And these newspapers and periodicals have a huge number of Xun's doctrines, including the discourses of intellectual elites and the general public. The discussion of these newspapers and periodicals in Xunzi's documents is not whether these statements corresponding to or deviate from the pre-Qin Xunzi's doctrines for value judgment, but to focus on the perspectives of knowledge dissemination, reading acceptance, and interpreters to investigate the early Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. How people related cultural figures integrated the changes of the times and used the newspapers and public media that emerged in the late Qing Dynasty to interpret and develop Xunxue related concepts. What are its characteristics and ideological significance in the academic history of the Republic of China in the late Qing Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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