


Linguistic Phenomena and Evolution of Real Estate's Naming in Taiwan-Banqiao and Tamsui as the Scope of Investigation




高婉瑜(Kao, Wan-Yu)


臺灣 ; 板橋 ; 淡水 ; 建案名 ; 模因 ; Taiwan ; Banqiao ; Tamsui ; Real Estate's Naming ; Meme




43期(2020 / 12 / 01)


199 - 237






Product marketing should be based on good names to attract people and to show impressive results, and thus the real estate's naming is the key to its marketing success. In 1980s, the concept of meme was launched, meaning the unit of cultural communication and message unit of the brain. The spread of knowledge, ideas, habits, customs, and expressions can be regarded as memetic phenomena. The real estate's naming is one type of meme. What are the impressive memes of real estate's naming in the real estate market? How are they conveyed? Is there a difference in time or place? This study thus focuses on models of different regions and periods. By using Banqiao and Tamsui of New Taipei City as examples, we observe the evolution of real estate's naming for different periods, in order to clarify the difference, similarity, and characteristics of real estate's name memes. It not only presents the development of the real estate's naming, but also serves as reference for future naming. In terms of the number of syllables, the effective memes of real estate's names in the two cities in past years cover four syllables. Since their rhythm is stable, they are able to carry sufficient messages. As to the coping and communication measure, in the two cities, complex memes are frequently applied and are copied and conveyed by genetic and performative methods. As to common names, in earlier times, the more effective common names in Banqiao were city, park, village, and community, and in Tamsui they were villa and city. Currently, these common names are not popular in the two cities. As to proper nouns, "locations" and "Emotion and feeling" are effective memes in the two cities in the past years. At present, "builder marking" memes are being introduced. In the 1960s, Banqiao prevailed the "moral and decree" meme. The difference is that "nature and leisure" memes in Tamsui are more popular than in Banqiao.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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