


Exploration on the Biographical Writing in the Local Literature of the Ming Dynasty - Take Xue-Jian Fang's "Tongyi" and "Tongyi Expansion" in Tongcheng Area as an Example




謝玉玲(Hsieh, Yu-Ling)


桐彝 ; 傳記 ; 敘事傳統 ; 桐城 ; 方學漸 ; "Tongyi" ; Biography ; Narrative Tradition ; Tongcheng Area ; Xue-Jian Fang




44期(2021 / 06 / 01)


135 - 166






China has a large number of local literatures, which are rich in content and with historical reference value, is an important cultural resource. By combing relevant local literature and research, we are able to recognize the characteristics of social development and cultural phenomena in a specific area at one time. Among which, biography is important in both the official history and the local literature. The ethical behavior, meritorious deeds and achievements, as well as thoughts worth pondering of the local prominent personage are all indispensable organic components for the local literature. Xue-Jian Fang is an important scholar in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. His practice of introspection of the mind and the practice of physical learning made him live in a critical place of inheritance. He has contributed a lot to the promotion of moral conduct and revitalization of education in Tongcheng area. The book "Tongyi" and "Tongyi Expansion" written by Xue-Jian Fang inherits the narrative tradition of historical literature. In addition, Xue-Jian Fang extensively writes biographies for the villagers in Tongcheng area without considering the position of the objects he writes. This can be regarded as the practice of his academic thought. The book "Tongyi" and "Tongyi Expansion" described the local people to make the abstract moral and ethical norms concrete, thus established specific features of the biographical writings in Tongcheng. Moreover, the specific and rich biographies written for the villagers also reveal his insistence on moral and ethical values. This book not only lays a foundation for the nature of the articles in the Tongcheng area, but also conveys the unyielding persistence of Confucianism and morality from scholars and even the public at Tongcheng, as well as constructs the significant characters and aesthetic values that have emerged from the book.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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