Yang Jiang (1911-2016) wrote two comedies when she resided in Shanghai during the War of Resistance: As You Desire (1943) and Forging the Truth (1943). After the plays were staged, Li Jianwu (1906-1982) describes Yang Jiang's comedies as "the authentic comedies of manners of China" and regards them as the second milestone in the history of modern Chinese comedy. Western scholar, Amy Dooling, considers Yang Jiang's comedies as feminist comedies of manners of which female laughter and subversiveness are the prominent generic features. Evidently featured in Yang Jiang's comedies, female laughter plays a key role in endowing her works with an extraordinarily strong sense of subversiveness. This article examines Yang Jiang's comedies and their relationship with the genres of the comedy of manners and the female comedy of manners, and their evident generic qualities, that is, female laughter, in order to offer a more comprehensive interpretations of the subversiveness of Yang Jiang's comedies and of the playwright's comedic aesthetic.
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