


Fantasy of Faraway Land: The Myth of "Waqwaq" Tree in Ancient Arab and Chinese Exotic Imagination




劉亞惟(Liu, Ya-Wei)


人木 ; 裔夷圖譜 ; 大食國 ; 異域想像 ; 異域圖像 ; Waqwaq Tree ; Ethnographic Album ; Dashi ; Exotic Imagination ; Barbarian Illustration




45期(2021 / 12 / 01)


267 - 294






Cultural exchange between ancient China and the Arab empire (Dashi) increased greatly in the Middle Age; however, a mythical tree story was often cited as a description of "Dashi" in Chinese literature. By comparing the "Renmu" legend in Arabic and Chinese literature, this article argues that it may appear in China as a result of earlier culture contact with the Western Asia. The legend of "Renmu" in China can be traced back to Tang Dynasty, and divided into two branches. One is its flower looks like a human head while the other is the fruit shapes like a child. These story patterns were still visible until the Qing Dynasty. In Arabic stories, a mythical tree named "Waqwaq" grows somewhere near China, it bears women or human heads rather than fruit. As a motif, the story is often combined with other ancient myth and folklore. The circulation of this fantasy in both areas showed several similarities. They were originally descriptions about distant islands, and then became a symbol of faraway place so that Arabic and Chinese stories pointed the location of the mythical tree to each other gradually. To understand the composition of ancient foreign knowledge and exotic imagination, the origin of legends is the foundation. The propagation of legend in different cultures shows not only common characteristics in exotic imagination of the time but also the differences.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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