


The Empire's Viewpoint: A Fresh Look at the "Elephant Repayment" Stories in Tang Dynasty




鄧郁生(Deng, Yu-Sheng)


動物報恩 ; 大象報恩 ; 象牙 ; 朝貢 ; 《廣異記》 ; Animal Repayment ; Elephant Repayment ; Ivory ; Tribute ; "Guangyiji"




45期(2021 / 12 / 01)


33 - 65






All the time, the animal repayment stories made an impression of kindness and harmony by their affectionate plot. And so is the "elephant repayment" stories in Tang Dynasty. However, when we inquired into the origin and innovation about the type of story, we would find some thought-provoking thing in the text's cracks, cultural reflection, pulse of the times, for instance. This essay took five Tang Dynasty texts as the investigated object, to retrace their relationship with the Chinese books and the Buddhist Scriptures, and to look at their inheritance and transformation for the plot which described helping elephants, pulling out the thorn, killing the monster included. In addition, the archetype of monster that swallowed elephants is also inspected. The kind of story may be based on the Buddhist philosophy of compassion and animal protection, however, they followed the style of Chinese books in the ending, intensified their generous rewards and human affairs description. The new plot they transformed that described elephants gifted ivories is rooted in the fashion of the Tang Dynasty, therefore, the kind of story has become the mirror image of the Tang people's ivory addiction. Besides, the two stories in "Guangyiji" are especially worth mentioning, in the latter part of the works, the "trade" and "Tribute" of ivories are particularly described, and through the character class setting, they expressed the center's political discourse on the border. The memory of flourishing age referred by story time is the author's attempt to rebuild the self-confidence of country in Mid-Tang. Briefly, in addition to the original moral meaning, the "elephant repayment" stories in Tang Dynasty showed the deeper spiritual outlook of the Tang Empire.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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