


A Tentative Investigation on the Developing of the Arguments about the "One Di Joint Worship Every Three Years" during the Han to the Jin Dynasties-Concurrently Discussing the Lost Texts in A Commentary of the General Meanings in the White Tiger Hall




張書豪(Chang, Shu-Hao)


《白虎通義》 ; 《五經異義》 ; 宗廟 ; 禘祫 ; 陳立 ; The General Meanings in the White Tiger Hall ; The Different Meanings in the Five Classics ; Acestral Temples ; Di Xia ; Chen Li




46期(2022 / 06 / 01)


1 - 32






The article begins from the supplemented lost text which is "one di joint worship every three years" by Chen Li in A Commentary of the General Meanings in the White Tiger Hall. It combs a series of Chinese classic arguments about "one di joint worship every three years." According to the chronological order in which the arguments appeared, it explores the rationale and discussion on the construction of the arguments by the scholars at that time to determine whether it was correct for Chen Li to supplement. The study shows that the "one di joint worship every three years" originated from the "only one great di joint worship during a king's reign," a phrase Liu Xin created by blending materials from the arguments about rites in The Discourses of the States, The Book of Rites, etc. The argument establishment process of the "di joint worship after three years of mourning" can be traced in Ban Gu's "Treatise on the Five Elements" and Jia Kui's explanation of The Commentary of Zuo. Du Yu's "so three years was taken as the regular period" finally marked the birth of the Chinese classic argument "one di joint worship every three years." When looking back at The General Meanings in the White Tiger Hall based on this, it can be known that at the time of the meeting in the White Tiger Hall, it was impossible for the Chinese classic argument "one di joint worship every three years" to appear. Therefore, it can be concluded that Chen Li's supplement may not be appropriate.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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