


A Research on the Interpretation of the Great Learning by Xu Fu-Yuan - Concurrently Discuss the Academic Change in His Later Years




曹景年(Cao, Jing-Nian)


許孚遠 ; 《大學》詮釋 ; 《大學述》 ; 格物 ; Xu Fu-Yuan ; the Great Learning ; Narration of the Great Learning ; Ge Wu




48期(2023 / 06 / 01)


157 - 178






A Narration of the Great Learning by Xu Fu-Yuan, a famous scholar of Wanli period of Ming Dynasty, had several versions because it was modified many times, and previous research about it was not very sufficient. Through comprehensive analysis of the existing versions of the book and some content cited by the Textual Research of Ancient and Current Versions of the Great Learning by Liu Si-Yuan, the book had been written through four stages and form four versions, that is, Guanzhong, Fujian, Nanjing and final version. The changes in the interpretation of the Great Learning by Xu Fuyuan were centered on the changes of the interpretation of "Gewu", i.e., from the early years of "this mind being through in things", to the later years of removing material desires, which, although more embodied in the transformation of the theory of work, also contains behind it a different understanding of the nature of mind. Generally speaking, the early interpretation of "Gewu" had a certain Zhu Xi's color, while the later has a stronger teleological color. Xu Fu-Yuan's mature thought of removing material desires in his later years was formed through his own continuous thinking, exploration, and realization while absorbing the thoughts of Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming and other sages before him and combining his own personal experiences and profound life experiences, and had its own distinctive characteristics, reflecting the reflection and revision of some scholars under the empty and sparse academic style of the late Ming Dynasty, and responding to the issues of the times. Its pragmatic style of learning and academic tenets of solemn respect, self-restraint, and the removal of desires had influenced late Ming scholars such as Liu Zongzhou, and became an important source of new ideas.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
人文學 > 藝術
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