


A Case Study on the Kindergarten service-marketing




黃義良(I-Liang Hawng)


行銷 ; 服務行銷 ; 幼稚園 ; marketing ; service-marketing ; kindergarten




10期(2006 / 12 / 01)


1 - 32




本研究旨在從服務行銷的角度,分析個案幼稚園運用的行銷組合、發展的具體活動以及行銷遭遇之困境。 本研究採個案研究法,以台南縣的一所幼稚園爲對象,進行晤談與資料文件的歸納。研究主要發現: 一、服務行銷的觀念經調整後可適用於幼教機構。 二、個案機構雖然行銷推展未臻完善縝密,但初具服務行銷三向度的雛型,並加入一些科技設備與資訊運用的元素,藉以促進行銷的效果。 三、個案幼稚園的服務行銷,嘗試以內部行銷爲基礎,促發良好的親師生互動行銷,進而強化以家長爲主的外部行銷。


The purpose of this study was to analyze the kindergarten's marketing-mix strategy, the specific activity development and the encountered marketing difficulties from the view of service-marketing. This is a case study, taking kindergarten in Tainan county as object to proceed observation, interview, and documentation. The results as following were drawn: 1. The marketing service three-dimensions can be applicable to preschools with some adjustments. 2. The kindergarten service marketing should take substantial internal marketing as the foundation to bring out the excellent parent-teacher interactive marketing and to intensify the external marketing by parents' advertisement. 3. The marketing predicaments encountered by kindergarten were: A. the lack of internal marketing concept B. the limitation of operation cost C. too heavy working load of preschool teachers D. the abnormal competition from other kindergartens.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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