


An Exploration of Using Computer Software in the Analysis of Qualitative Data




林重岑(Chung-Tsen Lin);吳壁如(Pi-Ju Wu)


紮根理論 ; 質性研究 ; 質性資料分析軟體CAQDAS ; Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software CAQDAS ; grounded theory ; qualitative research




11期(2007 / 06 / 01)


51 - 73






There has been a proliferation of computer software packages designed to facilitate qualitative data analysis. Unlike quantitative studies, rigid formulae do not exist for writing-up qualitative projects. Most researchers, however, agree that transparency is essential when communicating the findings of qualitative research. The use of CAQDAS can help researchers reach better reliability and validity. The programs vary enormously in the extent to which they can facilitate the diverse analytical processes involved. The decision to use computer software to aid analysis in a particular project may be influenced by a number of factors, such as the nature of the data and the researcher's preferred approach to data analysis that will have certain epistemological and ontological assumptions as its basis. When using computer software, researchers need to consider carefully the possible consequences of their decision and to be aware that the use of such programs can alter the nature of the analytical process in unexpected and perhaps unwanted ways.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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