


The Dialectical Relationship between Organizational Structure and Teachers' Agency: A Case Study in a Taiwanese Primary School




陳幸仁(Hsin-Jen Chen)


組織結構 ; 教師行動 ; 結構約制 ; 因應策略 ; 教師彰權益能 ; organizational structure ; teachers' agency ; structural constraint ; coping strategy ; teacher empowerment




12期(2007 / 12 / 01)


103 - 128






Organizational behavior studies in schools have been paid little attention to the issue of structure-agency, as a way to investigate how organizational members interact. This research attempts to investigate the dialectical relationship between organizational structure and teachers' agency through empirical case study. The purposes of this study intend to examine the possibility of its empirical relationship between organizational structure and teachers' agency, which is the core of Giddens' structuration theory, on the one hand, and to concentrate upon whether teachers' agency is constrained by organizational structures through four elements: rules, resources, time and space on the other. In terms of methodology, this study employed the qualitative approach, selecting a primary school as the investigated site to explore the relationship between organizational structure and teachers' agency. The research findings illustrated that structures did pose constraints on teachers who in turn developed negative and adaptive coping strategies against structural constraints in school organizations. Yet, with the institution of the school-based teachers' association at the researched school, it woke up teachers' consciousness of empowerment, forming a collective force to resist against structural constraints. Most importantly, the school-based teachers' association became a facilitative source to promote school innovation and change.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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