


A Study on Applications of Instructional Strategies of Music Appreciation for Primary Music Teachers in Arts and Humanities Learning Area




鄭儒因(Ju-Yin Cheng);林朱彥(Chu-Yen Lin)


音樂欣賞教學 ; 教學策略 ; 藝術與人文學習領域 ; music appreciation instructions ; instructional strategies ; Arts and Humanities Learning Area




15期(2009 / 06 / 01)


65 - 87




本研究旨在瞭解高雄縣市國小音樂教師在藝術與人文學習領域,音樂欣賞教學策略運用的實際執行程度與遭遇困難程度。本研究以九十五學年度任教於高雄縣市國小藝術與人文學習領域第二、三階段之音樂教師為研究對象,寄發484份問卷;回收325份有效問卷(回收有效卷率85.08%)。針對問卷蒐集資料,以SPSS 12.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體進行敘述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、成對相依樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析及薛費法進行事後比較等統計分析。依據研究發現與結果獲致以下之結論:一、高雄縣市國小音樂教師音樂欣賞教學策略之運用,「音樂欣賞教學評量運用」的執行程度最高,其次是「音樂欣賞教學方法運用」、「音樂欣賞教學環境運用」、「音樂欣賞教學素材選用」。「音樂欣賞教學資源運用」則顯示最低之執行程度。二、高雄縣市國小音樂教師音樂欣賞教學策略運用,以「音樂欣賞教學評量運用」之執行程度最高,「音樂欣賞教學資源運用」最不易執行。三、高雄縣市國小音樂教師音樂欣賞教學策略運用之執行程度普遍高於困難程度;惟「音樂欣賞教學資源運用」之困難程度高於執行程度。最後,依據研究結果,本研究針對國小音樂教師、相關教育單位分別提出建議。


This research serves to help us understand both usages and difficulties of instructional strategies on music appreciation in Arts and Humanities Learning Area for primary music teachers. Four hundred and eighty four surveys were sent out to music teachers employed at stage two or three Arts and Humanities Learning Area in Kaohsiung in 2006, and we received three hundred and twenty five valid results (85.08%). Using the SPSS 12.0 for Windows software to conduct descriptive statistics, independent-Samples T-Test, dependent Samples T-Test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe method on the collected results, the following conclusions were made: 1. About the applications of instructional strategies on music appreciation for primary music teachers in Kaohsiung ,“Evaluation on teaching in music appreciation” is executed the best. The degree of execution on “Usages of teaching methods in music appreciation”, “Usages of teaching environments in music appreciation”, and “Selection of teaching materials for music appreciation” are the secondary. The degree of execution on “Using resources in music appreciation” faces the most difficult. 2. About the applications of instructional strategies on music appreciation for primary music teachers in Kaohsiung, the degree of execution on “Evaluation on teaching in music appreciation” is the highest, and the degree of execution on “Using resources in music appreciation” faces the most difficult. 3. For primary music teachers in Kaohsiung, the degree of execution in music appreciation instructional strategies goes beyond the degree of difficulty. On the contrary, the degree of difficulty on “Using teaching resources in music appreciation” surpasses the degree of execution on it. Finally, according to the results, this research will provide suggestions for primary music teachers and education administrations separately.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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