


The Micropolitics of Distributed Leadership




陳正專(Cheng-Chuan Chen)


民主領導 ; 教師領導 ; 權力 ; 學校組織 ; 微觀政治學 ; democratic leadership ; teacher leadership ; power ; school organization ; micropolitics




18期(2010 / 12 / 01)


1 - 27






The power of school leader is mainly from controlling degree of educational sources. When educational sources are different, the structure of power will change. Traditional school model or controlling system of typical school is no longer applicable and needs to change the fixed structure. School system needs to enhance teacher profession through the decentralization. Educational reform is necessary to empower teachers and it is good way for school organization to decrease risk of management and enhance cohesion. The educational system needs to adapt to respond to organizational change. Today, the exploration of school leadership has transformed to team leadership, distributed leadership, shared leadership, democratic leadership, and has focused on the interaction between people, rather than controlling the power. The studies of micro-politics focused on various political phenomenon of school organization, such as communication, making decisions, shaping culture, mainly to explore the flow and exchange for the internal power, rather than macro-educational policy analysis. Therefore, this article explored the problems and solutions after power distributed in micropolitical perspective.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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