


The Research of the Gender Role Stereotypes from Three Generations of Cartoons


魏美惠(Mei-Hue Wei);蘇郁雯(Yu-Wen Su)


內容分析 ; 幼兒 ; 年代 ; 性別角色刻板印象 ; 電視卡通 ; content analysis ; child ; generation ; gender role stereotypes ; TV cartoons




23期(2013 / 06 / 01)


35 - 61






The purpose of this study was to analyze ”gender role stereotypes” from three generations of cartoons. The researcher applied content analysis to analyze two episodes from twelve different cartoons, totaling twenty four in all.The researcher analyzed ”gender characteristics” from three generations of cartoons. The finding of this research revealed that the gender role stereotypes still existed in three generations of cartoons, In spite of this, we still could see the change during these three generations. For example, the ”brave characteristic” would not apply only to male cartoon characters, whereas in the third generation the ”crying characteristic” was not exclusive to female characters.In addition, cartoon female characters were more multi-dimensional in dealing with their emotions. In the first generation, male cartoon characters actively pursue female characters which they find attractive. During the second generation, along with male characters displaying stereotypical behavior, female characters also began to outwardly express their love towards male characters. Nonetheless, we could still see the existence of gender stereotypes caused by traditional values, such as female characters depicting characteristics of fantasy dreaming, materialistic ideals, and love of discounted products. Male characters also exhibited preference for sports and competition. Overall, cartoons may no longer portray as many gender role stereotypes nowadays. Even so, we still can find some forms of traditional gender role stereotypes existing within the third generation of cartoons.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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