


Exploration of the Correlation among School Internal Marketing, Teachers' Satisfaction and School Effectiveness: Verification using Combination of Meta-analysis and Structural Equation Modeling


黃義良(Huang, Yi-Lian);王怡又(Wang, I Yu)


後設分析 ; 教師滿意度 ; 結構方程式模型 ; 學校行銷 ; 學校效能 ; Meta-analysis ; Teacher's satisfaction ; Structural Equation Modeling ; School marketing ; School effectiveness




28&29期(2016 / 06 / 01)


25 - 52






Market-oriented education, school effectiveness and school staff satisfaction are critical for school management. The purposes of this study are to explore the correlation among school internal marketing, teacher's satisfaction and school effectiveness and to examine the extent of their influences. The study is using the database of National Central Library, the investigator collected 27 studies published from 2006~2013 that are about the three variables interested by the present study and analyzed their data using meta-analysis. The investigator constructed a correlation matrix of the study variables and then used the Structural Equation Modeling techniques to test the structural model. The results reveal that school internal marketing, teachers' satisfaction, and school effectiveness are middle to highly correlated, and the effects size are large. “School internal marketing impacts teachers’ satisfaction and school effectiveness structural model” shows the overall fit is good. Furthermore, the endogenous and the exogenous variables are with a high degree of direct effects , and teachers' satisfaction has an intermediary role between the two variables.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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