


Evaluating the Predicament of Educational Reform from the Perspective of Culture-Cognitive of New Institutionalism


張源泉(Yuan-Chuan Chang)


新制度主義 ; 文化認知 ; 教育改革 ; New institutionalism ; Culture-Cognitive ; Educational reform




28&29期(2016 / 06 / 01)


81 - 102






An overview of the history of education shows that, despite much effort over a long period of time, educational systems are not very amenable to reform. Utilizing document analysis, in this paper I adopt the perspective of new institutionalism to investigate the difficulties encountered while attempting to implement educational reform. After examining the traditional views on the dilemma of educational reform I proceed to present the perspective of new institutionalism and its interpretation of this issue. Finally, I propose that inasmuch as schools belong to a specific organizational field, and are subject to the constraints of the organizational logic governing that field, any complex reforms will necessarily touch upon this organizational logic, which, however, is highly resistant to change, due to its being an integral part of the organizational field. This is why single-facet reform tends to yield such meager results. Educational reform is also hampered by defense mechanisms which arise out of the institutional logic and serve to deflect rational criticism, as well as the general inscrutability of the influence of institutional logic. In this paper I focus on describing the overall dilemma of educational reform, and hope to take up related issues, such as the role of reformers, in a future paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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