The economic substance doctrine is one of the most famous judicial doctrines in the area of tax law. Since Helvering v. Gregory (1935), courts have been applying the economic substance doctrine to disallow the tax benefits generated by transactions that had no effect on the economic position of the taxpayers. Although, the economic substance doctrine has a great impact in the area of tax law, it is still a ”judicially crafted doctrine”, not the law passed by Congress.Courts are split on the application of the economic substance doctrine. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has grown increasingly in favor of textualism, Congress was worried that the Supreme Court may overrule the economic substance doctrine. Therefore, Congress, as part of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, codified the economic substance doctrine as new code section I.R.C. §7701(o). The codification of the economic substance doctrine clarifies its application which has been applied by courts for many years. However, for taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service and courts, the codification may bring many challenges.I.R.C. §7701(o) will have a great impact in the area of tax law. Only time will tell how good or bad this new section was. However, without a doubt, the codification will push taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service and courts to another level.
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