Since South Korea has pursued FTA negotiations with Chile, there has been concern that the FTA will cause agriculture losses during the preliminary negotiations. The Korea's government faced opposition from the National Assembly, peasants, and the people in the process of FTA negotiations, which led to political threats. Therefore, the South Korea's government has formulated the "FTA negotiation procedure system" to legalize, thereby formalizing the negotiation procedures. South Korea's FTA bargaining process is divided into pre-bargaining, bargaining, and post-bargaining stages, and it provides the specific procedures of the administrative departments in different stages. South Korea bargaining process starts from the "FTA Contracting Procedure Rules", which is later replaced by the Trade Procedure Act. "FTA Contracting Procedure Rules" is administrative rules released by president decree, focusing on the inter-department coordinating mechanism, which makes the administrative department effectively promote the FTA contracting. "Trade Procedure Act" is an exclusive Act which emphasizes on the Congress supervision and bargaining transparency so as to restrain the arbitrariness of the administrative departments during bargaining and then seek the communication and interaction among the administration, congress and the people. However, Due to Korea's constitutional system, administration and parliamentary relationship, domestic and foreign economic situation and diplomatic environment, South Korea's government prioritizes the confidentiality of the negotiations. Regardless, during or after the negotiations, the content of the negotiations is not made public. Therefore, the parliament and the people cannot understand the government's negotiations, the power of parliamentary supervision and the right of citizens to know are still limited. Administration- Parliament Relations in South Korea is characterized by that the ruling party supports the policy of the administrative departments. Under the support of ruling party, the administration department still omits the domestic procedures. From this point of view, South Korea FTA bargaining process actually developed, but it is just a formalized process.
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