


Comparison of Cross-strait Environmental Administrative Public Interest Litigation System


朱金藝(Jin-Yi Zhu)


環境行政公益訴訟 ; 原告適格性 ; 職責 ; 判決 ; 執行 ; environmental administrative public interest litigation ; plaintiff qualification ; duty ; court decision ; execution




16卷1期(2020 / 09 / 01)


233 - 237+239-274






The system was formally implemented in the Mainland China Administrative Litigation Act in 2017 after a two-year experiment of environmental administrative public interest litigation initiated by prosecutorial organization in 2015. After the legalization of environmental administrative public interest litigation in Mainland China, environmental administrative public interest litigation has gradually become a new working focus of the prosecutorial organization in mainland China and an important issue discussed by academia. Taiwan's exploration of public interest litigation is much earlier than that of Mainland China, and its influence on practice is expanding. However, in both sides of the Taiwan Strait, there exists a phenomenon that the density and quantity of current environmental laws and regulations have a considerable scale, while the practical effect of environmental law enforcement is not significant. In order to promote the environmental authorities to bear their responsibilities, the environmental administrative public interest litigation system needs to be gradually refined through the legal norms and practical operation of environmental protection. It has been a long time since the system of environmental administrative public interest litigation was established. This paper will discuss the comparison of systems, procedure and practical affairs, with a view to providing some help for the practical operation and development of environmental administrative public interest litigation, and providing a reference for the discussion of the environmental administrative public interest litigation system across the Taiwan Strait. Although the system of administrative public interest litigation in Mainland China has been developing since then, it also has certain characteristics, which can be used as a reference for Taiwan. In order to promote the effectiveness of environmental administrative public interest litigation system, on the basis of the establishment of the current framework of administrative public interest litigation system in the two places and the recognition that environmental administrative public interest litigation is an effective and not the best means to safeguard environmental public interest, we should continue to discuss the theory and practice of environmental administrative public interest litigation in the future, so as to supplement and improve the litigation system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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