In the patent examination and patent trial, the judgement of the inventive step (nonobviousness) of patents often appears controversies, but the judgement of the inventive step of patents lacks the applicable standards for objectification and universalization, so the judgement standards of the inventive step of patents are always the concerned issues to the patent practitioners and judicial practitioners. Therefore, the patent practitioners and judicial practitioners constantly seek clear and appropriate standards in order to apple to judge whether the disputed claims have the inventive step of patents. The U.S. case laws related to the legal opinions about the judgement standards of the inventive step of patents have changed several times, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office modifies the content of the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure in order to match such legal opinions; moreover, Taiwan's judicial practitioners and the Intellectual Property Office deciding the judgement standards of the inventive step of patents usually refer to the legal principles from the U.S. case laws and the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure modified and published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Consequently, above all, this article will analyze and explain the important cases and relative provisions related to the judgement standards of the inventive step of patents in the United States; this article will analyze and explain the important cases and relative provisions related to the judgement standards of the inventive step of patents in Taiwan; then, this article will fully compare and deeply analyze the judgement standards of the inventive step of patents in the United States and Taiwan, so as to summarize and organize relatively clear and appropriate legal principles related to the judgement standards of the inventive step of patents, so that when the Taiwan's judicial practitioners and the Intellectual Property Office try the disputed cases related to the inventive step of patents, such legal principles can be referred.
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