


Freedom of Entry and Exit for Foreigners


李錫棟(Shyi-Dong Lii)


遷徙自由 ; 人身自由 ; 入國 ; 出境 ; 移民 ; freedom of movement ; personal freedom ; entry ; exit ; immigration




17卷2期(2022 / 03 / 01)


1 - 5+7






This article discusses the perspective of liberalism and the essence of free movement right. "Foreigners do not have the freedom to enter the country" would seem incompatible with liberalism. Because treating freedom and equality as the rights of all mankind is the "fundamental principle" of liberalism, for foreigners who wish to enter the country, the state is obliged to accept their requests, which conforms to the spirit of liberalism. On the one hand, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes that everyone has the right to leave any country; on the other hand, it only recognizes the right to return to their own country but the right to enter other countries. In a sense, this is a deceitful trick because if he can't enter another country after he leaves his country, where can he go? In fact, the realization of various rights is now fragmented because of national borders. The realization of various rights often has significant differences between inside and outside of the country, which hinders the realization of people's rights. From the perspective of the global village and the individual, the right to move freely internationally is the root of all rights. On the one hand, the freedom to move and relocate has the aspect of personal freedom. On the other hand, the prohibition of "freedom of entry" also restricts the economic and social freedom of natives who want to trade or associate with foreigners. From this perspective, the freedom of entry of foreigners should be recognized, and it can be imposed with minimum restrictions only when the foreigner is likely to endanger the national security and the major welfare of the country. It should not be simply understood as a right that national sovereignty can be arbitrarily denied without being protected.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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