


Shall Providing Copyright Infringing Links be Responsible for Copyright Infringements-With Special Reference to the Case of Mini Karaoke Booth


江雅綺(Ya-Chi Chiang)


著作權 ; 侵權連結 ; 公開傳輸 ; 間接侵權 ; 擬制侵權 ; copyright ; infringing links ; public transmission ; indirect infringements ; fictitious infringements




17卷2期(2022 / 03 / 01)


191 - 195+197






The prevalence of digital technology has changed many aspects of people's lives and entertainment models. Taking Mini Karaoke Booth as an example, unlike traditional karaoke attracting groups of people, it aims to serve individual consumers, providing the complete set of equipment for singing in a limited space that only allows one person to stay in. The strength of Mini Karaoke Booth is the flexibility and freedom for one to sing alone at will. Nonetheless, these Mini Karaoke Booths operate in various ways. Some of them preinstalled songs in the computer for consumers to select, others offer the access to the internet for users to search. If consumers click on links that lead to unauthorized audio-video content, whether the owner of Mini Karaoke Booth shall be held responsible for users who click on the copyright infringing content via the internet access in the booth? It is common for owners of Mini Karaoke Booths to claim that they only show copyright infringing links accessed by users, yet the question arises whether it is fair when someone profited from this business model with no one being held responsible for copyright infringements? This article intends to focus on whether providing copyright infringing links shall be held responsible for copyright infringements. It will begin with exploring the relevant legislations and rulings in the US and European Union. Subsequently, this article will discuss the new Article in Copyright Act added in 2019 and relevant judicial decisions in Taiwan. Lastly, this article will draw a conclusion on this issue based on the analysis of the new regulations and rulings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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