


Discussion on legal issues of specific soil and water conservation areas from the viewpoint of hazard prevention to risk management


李介民(Chieh-Min Lee)


風險預防 ; 危害預防 ; 特定水土保持區 ; 國家保護義務 ; 分級管理 ; Risk prevention ; Hazard prevention ; Specific soil and water conservation area ; State protection obligations ; Hierarchical management




17卷2期(2022 / 03 / 01)


45 - 49+51






This study explores the principle of risk prevention and regards risk prevention as a legal principle. Its steps include risk analysis, risk assessment, risk treatment and control. In the positive law, adopting the control mode of "prevention first, control second", from planning, prevention to governance control measures. In the purpose-oriented legislative control model, there are uncertain legal concepts in the legal elements, and at the same time, it gives the administrative agency a wider range of discretion to make appropriate decisions based on the characteristics of the individual case. In addition, in legislation, according to the probability of occurrence of harm and whether the degree of damage is serious, it is divided into different risk levels, and a hierarchical and zoning management method is adopted. The Soil and Water Conservation Law is an engineering science and technology disaster prevention law, and its tasks are divided into two parts: governance and management. In order to implement the function of the national protection obligation, the formulation of a long-term soil and water conservation plan requires the prior risk analysis and evaluation, and the consideration of the cost-effectiveness of disaster prevention and the unprofitability of controlled land as the review requirements for implementation. Government departments have the responsibility to manage specific soil and water conservation areas. The biggest challenge is the people's opposition to the designation. Therefore, the delineation of specific soil and water conservation areas adopts a management mechanism of "government as the mainstay and control as the supplement". In the future, the law should be revised into the risk-level management method, to limit the scope of the delineation of specific soil and water conservation areas, and to include restrictions on development activities, permitting small-scale development activities, or recognition of ever-lawful use in specific soil and water conservation areas into legal regulations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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