Because AI can be applied to many fields of technology, for example, heart function monitoring equipment using AI, AI equipment to assist physicians in diagnosing cancer, using AI to control means of transportation, the financial management machine using AI as the core, using AI to design industrial products, combining AI and machine vision to detect abnormal products, or digital imaging technologies using AI classification algorithms applied to language recognition, digital games, and digital systems related to the practice of professionals. The medical field has widely used convolutional neural networks as "deep learning" networks, and has applied the AI systems with "deep learning" networks to the image interpretation and classification regarding diseases, for instance, used in dermatology, ophthalmology, pathology, interventional radiology, etc.; therefore, AI-related inventions have received increasing attention from all social circles. Because the application of AI to specific areas to solve specific problems is derived from human ideas, even if AI can collect data, select parameters, deeply learn, and generate results by itself, it still mainly operates according to the principles designed by human. Although the South African Patent Office identifies the AI system DABUS as the inventor, and the Australian Federal Court rules that the AI system DABUS is the patent inventor, but major countries and regions with developed patent systems have not recognized AI as the patent inventor, let alone granting AI patent rights; Taiwan's Intellectual Property and Commercial Court also rejects the claim that the AI system DABUS is the patent inventor. With the emergence of "edge computing" technology, AI can reduce the cost of data acquisition and enhance the performance of data privacy, so it can make AI more universally applied to the Internet of Things, and more integrated into daily lives; therefore, the AI patent-related legal systems in major countries and regions with developed patent systems is becoming more and more important. Consequently, this article will study the legal systems of the "patent eligibility" and "inventive step" of AI inventions in the United States, Europe, and Taiwan, and summarize the legal principles thereof, so that courts and the Intellectual Property Office can have clearer and more systematic reference bases when hearing AI patent dispute cases.
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