


Automated Driving and Criminal Law


松宮孝明(Takaaki Matsumiya);孫文(Wen Sun)


自動駕駛車輛 ; 人工智能 ; 刑事責任 ; 容許風險 ; 緊急避難 ; automatic driving vehicle ; artificial intelligence ; criminal responsibility ; permitted risk ; emergency evacuation




18卷1期(2022 / 09 / 01)


279 - 305






In order to put an automatic driving vehicle (AV) into practical use, it is necessary to reduce the probability of unavoidable accidents to a socially acceptable level. That level is the socially acceptable limit for "accidents that are not attributed to anyone." Next, regarding the criminal liability of AV (the AI that controls it) itself, as long as the essence of "criminal liability" is valid for the behavior of AI, it should be affirmed. However, if AI has standard being normative and moral capabilities, there is no "criminal liability" for the accidents it causes. In addition, if AI can be held criminally liable, it requires equality and equality with natural persons in the law. In addition, it is necessary to consider the legal responsibilities of persons involved in autonomous driving separately for "driver" (occupant), automobile owners, automobile manufacturers, control program developers, data providers, and national and local governments. Furthermore, for emergent response programs that save a large number of people at the expense of a small number of people, such as the "trolley problem," the norms of society themselves need to be deepened and developed. In addition, it is necessary to solve the "self-sacrifice program" that involves the sacrifice of occupants based on the principle of emergency evacuation. Finally, in the spread of autonomous driving, the future of the driver's license system, the choice of public transportation or private cars, the review of traffic laws, and the avoidance of criminal liability by the accident investigation system should be considered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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