


Researches and Analyses on Code of Ethics of the Research and Utilization of Brain Tissue-Examining the Experience of the Japan


韓政道(Cheng-Tao Han)


腦組織 ; 腦銀行 ; 倫理指引 ; 說明同意 ; 包括同意 ; brain tissue ; brain bank ; ethical guidelines ; informed consent ; blanket consent




19卷1期(2023 / 09 / 01)


137 - 182






Research on brain science is very important. For a long time, countries all over the world have invested a lot of resources, hoping to help mankind to understand the brain through the recruitment and collection of brain tissue and the establishment of a brain tissue sample database (hereinafter referred to as the brain bank). With a deeper understanding and research on cranial nerve diseases and their causes, we can develop and develop medical technologies or drugs that can effectively cure brain diseases and widely benefit the people of society. However, although brain banks are an indispensable puzzle piece for modern brain science research and new drug development, they may also cause various ethical disputes or rights infringements during the recruitment, collection, storage and utilization of brain tissue. risk. A related question is whether there are situations in which our country's existing laws are not adequate. This article hopes to draw on Japan's legal system and related experience to explore how researchers can ensure the rights and interests of brain tissue donors and related personnel and avoid ethical issues when conducting research and utilization of brain tissue or specimens stored in brain banks. This will contribute to the smooth operation and long-term development of our country's future brain banks. In other words, in order to establish a set of regulations for the research and utilization of brain tissue that is worthy of the trust of our society, we should first clarify whether there are any shortcomings in existing laws and regulations, and further clarify the legal nature and positioning of brain tissue itself, as well as its research and utilization. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct in-depth discussions on how to obtain the informed consent of the donor's family members during or after death before using brain tissue, and how to deal with utilization behaviors that exceed the scope of consent and research purposes. In short, as there is currently no extensive research on this topic in our country, this article hopes to serve as a starting point and contribute to the future operation of our country's brain banks and the protection of related ethics and rights.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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