


Experimental Study on B2B Service Relation of Customer Value Wayne S. Chow, Tainning Yang, and Chih J. Cheag




周文賢(Wayne S. Chow);楊台寧(Tain-Ning Yang);鄭志榮(Chih J. Cheag)


B2B Business to Business ; 顧客價值Customer value ; 關係行銷relationship marketing ; 服務品質Service Quality ; B2B Business to Business ; customer's value Customer value ; the relation marketing relationship marketing ; serves quality Service Quality




1期(2006 / 08 / 01)


197 - 235




B2B (Business to Business)是企業對企業之間的交易,主要針對企業內部以及企業與企業之間的資訊整合。在過去企業內部的作業流程大多依賴人工處理,資訊化更是企業競爭力的主要結構,透過此商業模式以簡化企業內部資訊流通的成本,讓企業與企業之間的交易流程更加迅速,且成本的耗損也相對減少。面對全球經濟脈動的起伏,導致企業業績與利潤萎縮消退,產品行銷與銷售受消費者特性與購買行為所影響。本研究由服務品質、價格屬性、轉換成本的觀點,針對金融公司、電信公司、企業B2B網站、快遞公司的企業服務對象,透過SEM模式來驗證顧客價值對顧客滿意、顧客忠誠的影響,將知覺定位分析的層次區分為「顯現層」及「潛伏層」,產生不同層次的策略方向、明確的改善重點、實際的改善方向,並對企業問顧客價值優勢與弱勢的影響提出策略建議。


B2B is combined to the information inside enterprises and among enterprises among enterprise and enterprise. The homework procedure in enterprises organized relied on dealing with artificially mostly in the past, the informationization is the main structure of influencing enterprise's competitiveness, pass this commercial way, the information flow cost simplifying enterprises while organizing, make the procedure traded among enterprises faster, and reduce the consume of the cost relatively. Pulse and rise and fall with global economy, leading to the fact the achievement and profit of enterprises to wither and disappear, product marketing is influenced with sell consumer's characteristic of the quilt and buy the behavior. This article from ”serve quality”, ”price attribute”, ”transfer cost” 3 views, to the serivce object of enterprises , such as financial company, telecommunication company, enterprise B2B websites, express company ,etc., prove through SEM way that” customer's value is satisfied with the customer”, ”influence of customer's loyalty”, consciousness make a reservation ”level analysed divide into 'appear layer' and 'hide on story', and produced tactics direction, clear improvement focal point, real improvement direction of the different levels, on the advantage of customer's value among enterprises and influence of the weak tendency, propose the tactics suggestion.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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