


About Forced Suicide




涂美珠(Mei-Chu Tu)


自殺 ; 他殺 ; 不殺生 ; 自己 ; 存在 ; suicide ; forced suicide ; not killing ; self ; being and existence




2_1期(2007 / 09 / 01)


1 - 27




本文試圖探討記載於律藏及經藏中,有關出家者自他殺等問題。針對依佛陀出家行持之比丘眾的生命觀來探討關於自斷生命的兩大問題。亦即:為何不許請求他者令斷自己的生命。另外,就阿羅漢果的聖者也未能自斷生命等相互矛盾的例証,皆是本文探究的範圍。 本論依「原始佛教」論點來解析「自己(atta)」的原意,並論述「存在(bhāva)(有)」的意義為何?依佛教定義下的「自己」「生存有」「自己的存在」來思惟其意為何;同時,當事者本身亦需面對重新認識「自我和生命」,才能提出自己的見解,以及各自的極端性反應等等,或許皆是一種可能性的闡明。但這並不是認同自他殺之義,而是著重於自我存在意義之見解,將自身一事做為實例來剖析論証。當個體在直視洞察自身的現實動態時,以智慧為基準的行為造作,其終極目標是不斷地再進行自我生命的提昇及改革,想必這才能相應於佛教所言之自己存在的意義。 論題中自他殺的癥結,不在於自他殺即是解脫,若視為同等解答的話,那會落入逃避解脫的說詞;因此本文特重視探討個體自身生命的意義,以及在特定的佛教僧團生活領域中的實踐邏輯,並且從實踐中分析個體如何在修行場域的不同位置上,轉化其自身形成生命的認同,並產生其意義。


The paper aims to explore issues concerning forced suicide recorded in the Vinaya-Pitaka and the Suta-Pitaka. It explores the two issues facing Buddhist monks and nuns as regards suicide: Why don't they ask others to end their lives? The paper also deals with proofs of the paradoxical situation of the Arahant (enlightenment) in his inability to end his own life. The argument here is done through analysis of the meaning of the atta (self) and that of the bhava (being/existence). To extend one's view of Buddhism, one has to form one's own understanding of Buddhist ideas of self, being/existence, and being/existence of oneself. That will not explain the fact that one is in compliance with forced suicide, but that one will put forth one's view of meaning of being/existence of oneself. Only when one is able to know thoroughly one's own situation in currents of reality will one behave on the basis of one's learned wisdom, thus to upgrade and innovate the quality of one's life and to understand meaning of one's being/existence in Buddhism. The difficulty that lies in the argument of forced suicide is that forced suicide is not a solution to a knotted question in life. If it were a solution, it would be an escape of the question. It would not be a solution to the question at all. The paper argues that one's life is a life of extreme dignity. It also argues that, in the analysis of practice of ideas concerning life in Buddhism, Buddhists in their respective situations come to the understanding of the dignity of life and to the formation of their own versions of meaning of life.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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