


Influence and Impact on Medical Centers under DRGs: CTT vs IRT




錢才瑋(Tsair-Wei Chien);王文中(Wen-Chung Wang)


診斷關係群 ; Rasch分析 ; 古典測驗理論 ; 試題反應理論 ; Winsteps ; DRGs ; Rasch analysis ; CCT ; IRT ; Winsteps




2_2期(2007 / 09 / 01)


89 - 106




This study examined the impact of medical centers in Taiwan under DRGs. The aims were set at (1) knowing the influence in the first and following 4 years, (2) exploring the statistically significant different starting time under DRGs, (3) evaluating the revenue declining and rebounding cut-off point in the period of DRGs implementation time. The DRGs costs of all the 17 medical centers were calculated for the year 2004 on 185 DRGs resulting from those 6 major diagnostic categories of No. 3, 9, 11, 13, 23 and 24. Rasch analysis with Winstpes software was used examining a total of 94,536 discharges of DRGs to compare the revenue changes through those two ways of classic test theory and item response theory. The results shows that government-run hospitals will be influenced much more than the private ones. Only non-profit run hospitals were shown no statistically significant difference in revenue decline across future 4 year under DRGs. Southern and Central medical centers in Taiwan were said to be improved in revenue at the fourth upcoming year. There are a few differences resulting from the methods of IRT and CTT, which might be attributed to the unfitted April data removed from this study through Rasch analysis of IRT.


This study examined the impact of medical centers in Taiwan under DRGs. The aims were set at (1) knowing the influence in the first and following 4 years, (2) exploring the statistically significant different starting time under DRGs, (3) evaluating the revenue declining and rebounding cut-off point in the period of DRGs implementation time. The DRGs costs of all the 17 medical centers were calculated for the year 2004 on 185 DRGs resulting from those 6 major diagnostic categories of No. 3, 9, 11, 13, 23 and 24. Rasch analysis with Winstpes software was used examining a total of 94,536 discharges of DRGs to compare the revenue changes through those two ways of classic test theory and item response theory. The results shows that government-run hospitals will be influenced much more than the private ones. Only non-profit run hospitals were shown no statistically significant difference in revenue decline across future 4 year under DRGs. Southern and Central medical centers in Taiwan were said to be improved in revenue at the fourth upcoming year. There are a few differences resulting from the methods of IRT and CTT, which might be attributed to the unfitted April data removed from this study through Rasch analysis of IRT.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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