This article describes the nursing care experience of a 28-year-old patient diagnosed with diabetes 8 years ago who experienced young adult stroke and left limb weakness. The patient was unemployed and addicted to an unhealthy lifestyle of playing online games. Patient data was collected through interviews, active listening and a medical record review. Neuman's System Model identified the care problems: (1) imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements, (2) dysfunction of physical activity, (3) ineffective coping, and (4) caregiver role strain. The multidisciplinary team approach to the patient and his family included DASH diet guidance and nutrition evaluation, individualized rehabilitation programs for young stroke patients, health education, stroke friendship support groups to help his acceptance of physical disabilities, teaching of self-care skills, and information on social welfare resources. Effective coping may reduce his stress and regain his confidence to reenter the workforce.
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