The volume and type of biomedical waste increased as a result of advanced science and technology in recent years. In the studied pediatric ward, there was 116.4 kg of biomedical waste produced monthly, exceeding the current regulations of 82 kg or below. Survey results indicated that reasons for increased waste disposal included (1) knowledge deficit of health workers, patients and their caregivers, (2) lack of proper waste disposal methods and containers, and (3) nurses did not take time to compact IV tubing, catheters or IV bags. The quality assurance project to improve practice included specific staff in-service training, compliance checks, regular education for patients and caregivers, appropriate waste containers and additional supplies. Results from a clinical audit revealed significant reduction of biomedical waste, from 116.4kg to 72 kg. The cache miss rate reduced from 48.3% to 8.7%. This project may be used as reference to establish or enhance innovative resolutions to biomedical waste management.
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