


The Development of Taiwanese Disaster Nursing: Reflections From Past Disasters in Taiwan




賴甫誌(Fu-Chih Lai)


災難護理發展 ; 災難全期 ; 歷次災難經驗 ; disaster nursing development ; disaster phases ; disaster care experiences




11卷3期(2017 / 11 / 01)


24 - 29




臺灣位處於高度災難潛勢地區,文獻亦顯示臺灣為遭遇兩種以上災難之國家,其災難危險程度更是高居世界各國之前茅。回顧自1999年以來護理人員在參與國內不同型態的災難照護經驗中,國際護理協會(International Council of Nurses, ICN)所強調護理人員在災難救護之角色與功能的重要性一再被凸顯。一個完善的災難全期照護,需要完整的涵蓋災前準備,災中應變及災後復原這三個不同時期,也唯有完善的災難護理反應與教育系統,才能確保護理人員在災難中具備足夠的照護知識與技能,扮演關鍵角色,發揮應有的功能。本文藉由近20年來國內歷次不同型態災難的照護經驗,提出對臺灣災難護理發展的建議,以期未來在災難的前、中、後期發揮更關鍵的災難護理角色與功能,提供更好的災難照護,將災難對國人健康所造成的影響減至最低。


Taiwan is located in a high-risk geographic area that is prone to two or more types of disasters. Literature indicates that Taiwan is one of top countries with high potential for natural disasters. Taiwan's experiences with disasters since 1999 have underlined the importance of nurses' roles and functions in disaster care, as advocated by the International Council of Nurses (ICN). Comprehensive disaster care covers preparation, response, and recovery before, during, and after disasters. Only a potent disaster nursing response and education system, backed by sufficient knowledge and skill, can ensures that nurses fulfill their vital roles and functions in disaster nursing care. This article aims to elicit discussions and provide insights for disaster nursing development from the disaster care experiences of Taiwan over the past two decades. Hopefully, this can enhance nurses' vital roles and functions across all phases of a disaster to provide better care and reduce its impact on public health.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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