This study aimed to explore whether there are differences in working emotional intelligence among Generation XY nurses. A total of 773 participants were included; they were surveyed using a questionnaire containing an emotional intelligence scale. Among the 773 nurses, 300 belonged to Generation X (38.81%) and 473 to Generation Y (61.19%); their average scores were 4.39 (0.52) and 4.25 (0.46), respectively. With respect to overall "emotional intelligence," the degree of intelligence was significantly higher in the Generation X participants than in the Generation Y participants (p < 0.001). The results of this study could inform ways to help hospital administrators and nurses of different generations get along with each other, make good use of the ability to control their emotions and realize their potential, avoid friction arising because of a lack of mutual understanding, and improve care quality and efficiency. Managers need to consider emotional intelligence factors when recruiting personnel. For units with more emotional and labor components, managers must strengthen the observation of and guidance for emotional intelligence, recognize and reward emotional work, and help nurses develop their own emotional intelligence and improve their work performance.
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