The nursing society in Taiwan is making active effort to develop a regional system that aligns with international standards on advanced practice nursing practice. In 2000, the Nurse Act established Nurse Practitioner as a legal title of advanced practice nurse and the national certification process; however, the Act did not include other advanced nursing practices. Various nursing professionals in Taiwan continued to develop and advocate other specialty advanced practice roles and functions. Each has their specific advanced practice scope, academic qualifications, certification standards, education and training, and license extensions. In 2012, the Taiwan Nurses Association officially established the Advanced Nursing Practice Committee to promote development of advanced practice, establish the regulations of certification and required continuing education of advanced practice nurses. This article describes the history and efforts of the committee, including group tasks and accomplishments, the collaborated integrative process and public hearings, the bridging between advanced practice and current nursing clinical ladder system, the practice scope and competence appraisals, and the past certification results. This article references international experiences and reflects on the development and predicament of Taiwan's advanced nursing system and proposes suggestions for professional, practice, education, and legislation.
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