This project aims to improve the effects of postnatal health education in a postpartum ward that had implemented the 24 hours mother-infant rooming-in policy. World Health Organization (WHO) proposed that the postpartum mother-infant rooming-in will contribute to the success of breastfeeding. Audit of the study ward showed that after the initial implementation of baby-friendly policy, 100% mother-infant rooming- in during the postpartum period; however, the satisfaction with nursing care was 80.9%, the staff clinical competency was 74.2, the patients' self-care confidence was 81.2% and their self-care ability was 73. The improvement project includes: (a) improve postpartum care processes program, (b) enhance postnatal ward nursing competence, and (c) develop creative and integrated health educational programs. After the improvement interventions, mother-infant rooming-in health education completion rate increased from 72.4% to 97.8%, satisfaction with nursing care increased from 80.9% to 95.8%, nursing colleagues clinical skills assessment scores raised from 74.2 points to 92.3 points, the confidence of self-care increased from 81.2% to 93.4%, and the ability of self-care score raised from 73.0 to 93.0 points. The result of this project validated that these measures effectively improved the nursing care and the success of mother-infant rooming-in program.
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