Taiwan has entered the community transmission stage of COVID-19 in May 2021. This pandemic rapidly spread resulted in an unprecedented strain on healthcare professionals and led to the collapse of the medical capacity. The initial quarantine ward could hardly accommodate and ingest the overwhelming demand for medical care. Our unit was urgently assigned to transform from the stroke unit into a dedicated isolation ward and soon new patients were admitted following integrated planning three days later. However, the froneline nurses faced the most complicated challenges, including rapid changes in the various condition, the large numbers of critically ill patients and comorbidities, which not only increased nursing workload and pressure, but it also affected the satisfaction of clinical care. Therefore, the motivation for project improvement was triggered. After analysis of the current situation, the main problems have been discovered: (1) the nursing model did not match the needs of the clinical situation; (2) the diverse condition and time-consuming care were the characteristics of COVID-19 cases (3) The amount of contaminated medical waste increased sharply and polluted the environmental safety. Through the improvement strategies, we have integrated the nursing care model, district allocation of manpower, expanded instant messaging software functions, relevant departments offered assistance with measures and resources, transdisciplinary practice for cases with comorbidities, provided staff support, reduced consumption of personal protective equipment and then job satisfaction increased from 72% to 86.1%, stress score dropped from 1.64 to 0.90, and waste reduction reached 36.6%. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, this transition experience could be a learning platform for hospitals to take as a reference.
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Perlstein, L.,Denison, K.,Kleinschmidt, C.,Swift, L.,Su, G.(2021).Implementation of a dynamic nursing care model during a global pandemic.Nursing Management,52(2),51-54.
李金霙,朱怡蓁,劉翠瑤(2020)。運用「I’m Safe」溝通模式提升COVID-19照護團隊安全。北市醫學雜誌,1-8。